Jesus in our Heart, But Snot in Our Nose
Preston is a relaxed kind of guy
close your mouths girls or you may catch flies
We were teased by a little bit of lovely spring weather and now it is 40 degrees outside and we are stuck indoors. The little kids all have a virus. Preston has bronchitis again. He is wheezing and coughing this horrible hacking cough. On Friday he had "shiny clean eardrums". He had clear lungs. He didn't have any visible mucus, but he was acting very strange and had a fever. My Monday, bronchitis. Violet has bronchitis and an ear infection. Elsa has a sinus infection. Ava and I have the common cold. The little kids are not eating much food. Violet is down to 20 pounds again. She almost weighed a whopping 22 pounds before this illness struck. We have had to postpone our trip to Monterey and San Luis Obispo to next Sunday because of illnesses and rainy weather in SLO. I figure, if we are taking all of these little kids on a "vacation", the conditions must at least be positive. Healthy kids and good weather would be helpful. Let's face it, the trip is going to be challenging enough without the added adverse conditions.
Perhaps Ava's singing will help us all feel better for our trip. Ava belts out tunes about the lord each day. And when I say belts, I mean she really sings it as loudly and passionately as possible. There is a lot of nonsensical filler that Chris and I cannot quite make out, but when she belts out her chorus, Got Jesus in your heart, we all feel blessed. Maybe the nonsensical filler in between the main chorus is Ava speaking in tongues, I am not quite sure. But believe me, we are definitely feeling blessed and holy at the same time in our house.
I feel that I haven't blogged in awhile and I should have more to say, but alas, I am tired and I have this past season of Mad Men waiting for me, calling my name, in my bedroom.
Ava asked me the other day where daddy is. I said, "he is at Starbucks working." She said in her most disbelieving tone of voice "he's passing out scones to people?" I said, "no, he isn't working behind the counter at Starbucks, he brought his laptop to Starbucks and is doing his job at Starbucks.
I asked Ava if she is sure she wants to wear her new fancy sparkly gemmy sandals to the park and in the sandbox and she replied "but mom, that is why they are called sandals. Get it, Sand-als?" Outsmarted again.
Until next time, the mothership is signing off.
Geez your kids are small...we're at 32 plus all around. I envy your back. ha ha.
Sorry you're sick and trapped inside. We go out regardless unless there's barfing. oh heck we go out then too as long as they don't barf regularly. We don't care who else we infect. bwa ha ha ha